Towards the finale of Avengers: Endgame, an aged Steve Rogers passed on the mantle of Captain America to his friend, Sam Wilson. At the time, this was considered an excellent choice, as the only other viable candidate, Bucky Barnes, was still dealing with his own trauma regarding his imprisonment and brainwashing at HYDRA's hands. Sam accepted, but the road to becoming the new Captain America would not be an easy one. Many people within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and even fans in the real world, would believe that Sam was not the right choice to replace Steve.
However, there was a moment early in the MCU's history that actually proved Sam was worthy of the role. All the way back in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This was when Sam was first introduced to the audience, and though his role wasn't the most impactful thing for the narrative, it was his willingness to help Captain America simply because he asked that made him the perfect successor. Sam knew he was up against impossible odds and that it was just them, yet, much like a young Steve, he chose to do the right thing and the best he could while doing it.
Sam Wilson Got Back in the fight for his friend
Sam Wilson befriended Steve Rogers immediately after meeting him.
Steve would be impressed by Sam's compassion for others.
When he later asked Sam for help against HYDRA, Sam didn't hesitate to accept.
Sam's introduction to the MCU, the now classic scene where Steve teases Sam by lapping him multiple times while jogging, may have been played off as a comedic moment, but it actually set up their unique friendship very subtly. There was the playful ribbing, which is a good indicator of their burgeoning friendship, but also the fact that Sam was not overwhelmed or angry about the obvious advantage Steve had over him. He knew that it was Captain America standing in front of him, but that didn't matter; he treated Steve like any other person and even tried to connect with him on a personal level. They shared their experiences about how difficult it was to come home after serving in the military for so long, demonstrating that while Sam did not have Steve's exact experiences, he did know what it was like to feel out of place. He even went the extra mile and tried to ease Steve's adjustment to the modern day by introducing him to the music of Marvin Gaye.
Later, Sam would be seen speaking to veterans suffering from PTSD, trying to help them adjust to life back home. Some of what he said struck Steve, who was listening and Sam gave him advice about trying to do what would make him happy, suggesting that after everything Steve has done for the world, he isn't obligated to keep fighting. It then that he shared the story of how he lost his friend, Riley, while overseas and that it ended his desire to serve in the military. Sam had managed to find a new purpose in helping others, something that Steve obviously admired.
For all these reasons, his friendship, his commitment, and his kindness, Sam was the first person Steve thought of as a safe place to go to when he discovered that HYDRA had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. Sam didn't even hesitate or ask for an explanation. He saw that Steve and Natasha Romanoff were in need of help and he opened his home to them. When Steve asked for his help, making it clear that it was okay if Sam refused, he accepted right away. In his eyes, the fact that Captain America was asking him for help was the best possible reason to get back into the fight despite his reasons for leaving it.
Why Sam Wilson's Decision Mattered
Sam choosing to help Steve without hesitation proves he has the same desire to do what's right.
This quality is what made Steve the perfect candidate for the Super Soldier Program.
It will now make Sam the perfect successor as Captain America.
All of Sam's scenes in the movie could be compiled into just a few minutes, but they perfectly encapsulate his character. Sam is a driven and devoted person with an unending depth of compassion for others. In his first scene, he tried to bond with Captain America, joking with him to let him know that he wasn't overwhelmed by his identity and then trying to connect and help him with adjusting to life back in the United States. It was probably the first time someone outside of Steve's teammates and handlers looked at him as a person. This is Sam in a nutshell: he tries to do his best for everyone he meets.
This can be seen in other moments, such as when he tried to reason with Karli Morgenthau, seeing that though she had radical ideas, she was still a young woman hurt by the changing world. Had it not been for events beyond his control, he may very well have succeeded in convincing her to stand down. This was just the beginning of his career as Captain America, though. He almost resolved a conflict through diplomacy rather than violence. For all the times Steve saved the world, not once did he ever manage to talk down his foes.
Looking at his past and present, the moment where he agreed to help Steve is critical. It demonstrates that he has the same defining characteristic that made Steve the ideal candidate for the Super Soldier Program: the willingness to help others with no ulterior motive other than doing the right thing. Kindness and morality may seem like an easy thing to espouse, but to actually mean it is a different battle altogether. Sam proved he was worthy right from the start, and it's even possible that Steve had been contemplating passing the title of Captain America to him as far back as the moment Sam agreed to help him fight HYDRA.
Sam Wilson Will Be a Terrific Captain America
Sam Wilson will be a Captain America who is more wise to the problems of the world.
He will face doubt from both his allies and foes.
Another moment that helps define his character is his hesitancy to become the new Captain America. It shows a level of humility and awareness of the kind of world he lived in that Sam initially refused. This shows how he will be a different sort of Captain America from the one Steve was. Steve had the benefit of fitting into the country his codename represented, whereas Sam knows how unfair the United States can be towards people of color like himself and anyone else who doesn't fit the traditional mold. Taking a step back and wondering if it was best to let the mantle begin and end with Steve wasn't just a matter of respect but also being less naive than Steve was about how the world might perceive Sam as Captain America.
In the end, Steve was right, though. Sam may have chosen to walk away from it for a time, but when the time came for him to answer the call, he did so again without hesitation. In doing so, he proved not only to himself but to the world that Steve made the right choice by giving him the shield. Sam knew that the fight ahead of him would be different from anything he'd ever fought before. He'll have to contend with foes who will underestimate him and people at home who doubt him, but he is already on the right path to establishing his own legacy as Captain America.
Sam still has a lot to do to earn the approval of the world as the new Captain America, but for now, he knows he can operate without it. He's made a good start in proving that he can be reliable during a crisis and even step up as a leader to guide others down the right path, but now he'll be facing a threat on the same level that Steve used to face. Captain America: Brave New World will see Sam face challenges, both internal and external, and how he chooses to deal with them will define his future.